
Property insurance

For each of us, housing is a fortress that not only protects but also gives comfort and warmth. But enough sparks from faulty wiring, the flow of water from a broken faucet, or the visit of uninvited guests to lose the harmony of their own world. And then many questions arise. Where to quickly get money for repairs and restoration of damaged property? What to do when the cause of trouble was the neighbors? Who and how compensates for losses?

Program Apartment EXPRESS

  • Allows to insure the apartment and internal movable property without before insurance inspection and estimation of its cost;
  • Choose the required sum insured from the proposed options and get protection
  • Quick and easy


  • No visit to the insurance company (online registration)
  • Without inspection of the insured premises
  • Without compiling a list of property
  • Without ownership documents
  • Only public passport and TIN  


  • inspection of damaged property in 1-2 days. You can start rebuilding your home almost immediately
  • For 3 days of coordination of the estimate of repair work
  • Minimum list of documents for payments
  • Individual approach to each case
  • 99% of customers are satisfied with the amount of compensation received
  • Insurance payment - up to 10 days
Term of insurance - 1 year
The sum insured for apartment insurance is distributed as follows: 70% - decoration and communications 30% - content (movable property)
What will be protected:
  1. Interior decoration (walls, ceilings, floor, doors)
  2. Movable property (furniture, appliances)
  3. Communications, heating, electricity and gas supply, alarm, etc.
  4. Possible damage to neighbors
  5. Built-in interior items (lamps, plumbing, furniture, etc.)

From what risks?

  1. Fire, smoke.
  2. Lightning strike, gas explosion.
  3. Water damage.
  4. Fall of manned aircraft, cargo.
  5. Natural disasters.
  6. Illegal actions of third parties, burglary.




Smoke damage


Smoke if the center of ignition is outside the house in which the apartment is located

Lightning strike

Damage / complete loss of electrical equipment (iron, TV, etc.) due to overload, short circuit, self-heating, electric arc or current leakage for any reason, including lightning strike

Gas explosion

If the gas is used for purposes other than domestic

Natural disasters

Due to the penetration of rain, snow, hail, dirt through windows, doors or other openings in houses, if these openings are NOT the result of a storm, hurricane or other movement of air masses caused by natural processes in the atmosphere.
Damage or destruction of movable property outside the premises.
Damage resulting from rain or snow is reimbursed only if the amount of precipitation exceeds: 30 mm for a period of 1 hour (60 minutes) or 50 mm for a period of 12 hours
technical water

Water damage from water supply, sewerage, heating and fire-fighting networks in case of their non-use for more than 60 calendar days

robbery and burglary

Losses caused by tenants or other persons living with the Insured in the insured premises (apartment).

Liability to third parties (CA)

Losses caused to persons living with the Insured in the insured premises (apartment). Damage resulting from force majeure or the victim's intent