
Credit Dnepr Bank has again entered the list of banks participating in NBU currency interventions for requesting the best rate in the fourth quarter of 2017

05 October 2017

The National Bank of Ukraine approved the list of banks that can participate in currency interventions of the regulator regarding the request for the best rate in the fourth quarter of 2017. Credit Dnepr Bank again became one of the 20 Ukrainian financial institutions, which showed the best overall rating among the banks participating in the interbank market. The overall rating is calculated on the basis of three components:

- volume of operations of the bank on the purchase and sale of foreign currency by other market entities and the National Bank (the share in this rating in the calculation of the general rating is 50%);

- volume of operations of the bank with customers for the purchase and sale of cashless foreign currency (the share of the place in this rating - 30%);

- volume of bank assets (specific weight - 20%).

"Currency transactions are a priority direction of the bank in working with corporate clients. During 9 months of 2017, the volume of foreign exchange operations of our clients increased more than doubled in comparison with the same period of last year due to a number of competitive advantages: a direct deal, through which customers receive the best rates directly during the trading session, as well as the services of currency consulting, which allows clients, who carry out transactions on buying and selling currency, receive expert advice from our bank's specialists online ", - comments Oleg Kurinny, director of Treasury Bank" Credit Dnepr " .