
Credit Dnepr Bank has become one of the leaders in the rating of the best conditions for cash loans

06 August 2018
Credit Dnepr Bank has become one of the leaders in the rating of the best terms of one-year cash loans for Prostobank Consulting among the 40 largest Ukrainian financial institutions.
In compiling the rating of the best cash loans for retail clients, the following parameters were taken into account: nominal and real lending rates, monthly fees, availability and size of insurance and advance payments. As a result, the product "Credit in cash" Bank Credit Dnepr took sixth place out of twenty one grocery offer, presented in the rating.
"Retail customers can quickly and easily arrange in our bank a cash loan of up to 200 thousand hryvnias for a period of 12 to 60 months, for any purposes without mortgage and suretyship," said Oleksandr Stezko, Head of the Department for Product Development and Retail Banking Projects Credit Dnepr. - A longer loan term involves a smaller amount of monthly payment. The client chooses the optimal term of the loan, taking into account his own financial plans and opportunities. Over 30% of our new bank's cash loans are issued for one year. The competitive advantages of the product are transparent and favorable conditions, the possibility of early repayment without penalties, using channels that are convenient for the client, an individual approach to lending for large amounts, special offers. So, our "Television as a gift to the loan" campaign, on the basis of which each customer who has issued a loan in cash, becomes a happy owner of a modern TV. The high interest in the action motivates us to extend its validity until September 14. Accordingly, we invite our existing and new clients to use cash loans to conveniently address their financial tasks and guarantee a beneficial bonus from the bank. So, we encourage financial pragmatism of our customers. "
More detailed information about retail credit offers of the Bank "Credit Dnepr" can be found on the website under "Loans to individuals".