
Credit Dnepr Bank offers companies in the gas sector to issue guarantees for gas balancing

25 October 2017
Credit Dnepr Bank offers companies with a license to supply natural gas in favor of the operator of the gas transmission system Ukrtransgas, to take advantage of the offer - gas balance guarantees. The amount of the guarantee depends on the current needs of the client. The offer is formed on the basis of clear and favorable tariffs and does not provide any hidden commissions. For registration of the company's guarantee it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents, money security in the amount of 20% of the amount of the guarantee and surety of the owner.
"Our bank continues to expand the list of profitable offers for corporate clients, offering in particular sectoral products and services. So, in the summer we went out to customers with unsecured tender guarantees, and today we are offering partners working in the gas sector to take advantage of our new special product, "said Vitali Paluri, Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board. - We have designed it for the sake of this segment, realizing that the approach to product development and implementation taking into account the specifics of a particular industry is demanded by corporate clients. The importance of financial support for gas traders is difficult to overestimate, because it is, in essence, a matter of energy security of the country. We are confident that our experience will enable partners to solve their business tasks and become even more successful. "
The first agreements on issuing "gas" guarantees were successful, in the plans of the bank - to increase the portfolio to 200 million UAH.