
In the first quarter of 2017, clients of Bank Credit Dnepr issued 1.2 thousand cash loans and opened 4,4 thousand credit cards

25 April 2017

During the first three months of this year, Ukrainians issued 1.2 thousand cash loans in the bank and opened 4,4 thousand credit cards with a limit of over 450 million UAH. In total, according to the results of the I quarter of 2017, the retail loan portfolio amounted to 110 million UAH.

"With the growth of the retail loan portfolio this year, we are now moving ahead with the plan and believe that in the future, the credit market will grow ever more actively. This is facilitated, on the one hand, by the stabilization of the situation in the banking sector and the growth of liquidity, and on the other - the general economic situation in the country and the level of solvency of the population, - says Andriy Moysjeenko, deputy chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board. - We are also constantly working on improving the line of credit products of the bank, creating not only profitable but also the most comfortable mechanisms for clients to receive additional financing for any needs - unscheduled repairs, tuition fees or large purchases. Given that we have started lending to the general public recently, the portfolio dynamics already shows that we are moving in the right direction. "

Today, Bank Credit Dnepr has several credit offers for private clients. Thus, cash loans of up to UAH 200 thousand for any purpose provides for flexible rates for loans that depend on the term - 12, 24, or 36 months. The longer the term, the smaller will be the monthly payment. In addition, the bank guarantees clients the absence of any hidden fees and penalties for early repayment of the loan. Finastana also provides convenient terms for repayment of the loan. The client does not need to visit the cash desk of the branch monthly, because, among other things, it is possible to make a payment through its own system of Internet banking FreeBank, using bank terminals, as well as self-service kiosks EasyPay, TYME, IBox, or to transfer funds from a card of any bank of Ukraine (p2p payments).

Also, customers have the opportunity to open credit cards in the bank. Example, Freecard with a credit limit up to 200 thousand UAH allows to use free of charge funds for 55 days free of charge, to make cashless payments without a commission, and also allows returning 1% of the purchase amount for paying bills in restaurants, buying tickets, paying hotel rooms and renting a car. The map also provides a set of convenient free services: concierge service - a personal non-bank assistant; Internet and GSM-banking; the ability to open additional cards for family members and much more.

For clients who receive a salary in Bank Credit Dnepr, the financial institution offers a card Free Cash, which allows to withdraw cash at any ATM of Ukraine, as well as to carry out cashless money transactions without a commission. In order to repay the loan, the client does not need to visit the bank branch - the minimum payment (70 UAH for each spent 1 thousand UAH) will automatically be paid off when paying salary.