
Regarding the Rules for Visiting Branches of the Credit Dnipro Bank during the Quarantine and Anti-Epidemic Period

24 March 2020

Dear Customers!

Credit Bank Dnipro strongly recommends staying home for your own safety and that of your loved ones. However, if you have an urgent need to visit a bank branch, we ask that you take the following precautions:

  • Wear a mask while moving around the city and being in a bank branch; the bank reserves the right to refuse service to clients who came to the branch without medical masks, as well as to clients with signs of illness (external signs of fever, runny nose, cough, etc.);
  • enter the office space only at the invitation of the employee; if all managers are busy, wait for the invitations to the open air;
  • Keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from those around you while waiting and servicing;
  • use compartment antiseptics to disinfect hands after contact with cash and / or paper documents;
  • Only 1 person can stay in the 24/7 self-service area.

The list of quarantine offices is provided by the link.

We would like to remind you that most of your banking operations can be done through remote channels of service:

  • FreeBank Internet banking system;
  • ATMs and PTCs;
  • contact center of the bank - tel. 0800-507-700.

Keep calm, protect yourself and your loved ones!