
In the 1st quarter of 2017, Ukrainians entrusted Dnipro Dnipro Bank with deposits of UAH 2.1 billion

14 April 2017

In the first quarter of 2017, retail deposit portfolio increased by almost 100 million UAH, and today it is about 4 billion UAH. In total, for the first three months of this year, Ukrainians entrusted to the financial institutions more than 17.5 thousand deposits in the amount of 2.1 billion UAH, taking into account the re-registration.

In addition, bankers also point to a significant change in the dynamics in terms of the length of time the depositors place money. Currently, 86% of the retail deposit portfolio of Bank Dnipro Credit consists of deposits for a term of six months or more. Trends in fixed-term deposits are also unchanged: they occupy 98% of the portfolio, since profitability for such deposits is maximal. Forecasts of bankers on the further development of the market for deposits in the country remain the same - interest rates will continue to decrease.

"Deposit rates on average averagely decrease by 0.5% when it comes to hryvnia deposits. We predict that such a dynamics will remain unchanged in the near future. Today's banking liquidity is sufficient, and it is quite logical that the availability and affordable resources needed to restore affordable lending, which would feed the economy in money. Therefore, in the short term, we do not see the reasons why the deposit market trends would change, "said Andrei Moisjeenko, Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board.