
Already more privivia: Bank Credit Dnipro pokrischu є packages and financial services for VIP-klієntіv

01 March 2017

Credit Dnepr Bank offers new extended premium package financial services - MasterCard Platinum and MasterCard World Elite. In addition to standard payment services and financial support services, each package of services includes a wide range of opportunities, privileges and services of non-banking nature, including several loyalty programs, visits to VIP-halls of international airports around the world, discount programs, round-the-clock VIP support service and much more. 

"We continue to improve our product lines by expanding them so as to help our clients manage as much as possible one of the most valuable resources - in cash and in time," said Andriy Moisjeenko, deputy chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board. - Owners of payment cards of our bank find a real financial assistant, as well as valuable consultant, even in matters of non-financial nature. After changing approaches and developing various card service services, last year our bank increased the turnover of non-cash funds almost 2 times. Now we are continuing to develop the card business, expand the functionality of payment cards and surprise customers with new services. "

Yes, in the package MasterCard Platinum includes a multicurrency card with the possibility of setting a credit limit and a grace period of 55 days. There is also the possibility of opening additional cards for family members and receiving increased revenues for the remainder of the savings account. In addition, the MasterCard Platinum card holder receives daily round-the-clock support from a personal banker, as well as a non-financial assistant VIP Concierge, able to handle a large number of daily tasks from booking airline tickets to recruiting staff. In addition, this convenient and secure payment tool provides a great deal of discount programs in retail chains, restaurants, hotels around the world and is a pass to the VIP-halls of international airports (for Boryspil Airport (Kiev) - for free). Among the privileges are free insurance for traveling abroad and Auto assistance - technical assistance on the roads of Ukraine.


Owners of a package of services MasterCard World Elitecrumbling , Tbіlіsі ta інших міст, the fate of the privileged clubs toshcho. Before that, the World Elite cards can be classified as Auto Assistance and Auto Assistance in Ukraine, but also in Europe, and also take out insurance for people who are behind the cordon in pokrittyam rizikovih vidv sport.

In the framework of the program "Bіlshe" for bezgotіvkovі rosrahunki with a card of 50 UAH, the visitor canceled the bali, they could be replaced at the city council of the payment system: a hedgehog of gas stations, cafes, cinemas, merchants and cafes

The program “Poliko Smak” on the annual є unikal on the financial market of the country. Bank for purchases with a card in the trade-servicing department and Internet services at a price of up to 1.5% of total interest. Bonus bali can be charged for payment of rakhunk_v at cafes and restaurants, buy av_akvitkіv vid vіd perevіznika i i straightforwardly, rent a car and pay for rooms at the hotel for all svitu.