
Bank Credit Dnipro announced Financial Academy Oscar in Business

03 April 2017

The Bank Credit Dnipro, having become one of the leaders in the “Corporate Partner” and “Agrobank” nominations in the financial “Oscar” competition, is a business organization. Expert sp_vtovarischestvo identified results from the robot fіnustanov for minuli Rik. Nomination "Corporate Partner" fnanstayi retire for the sake of safety, I am stable and I am working with the funktion of the real sector of economy. "Agrobank" - for the pagriot and financial projects of the agrarian sector.

Already 20 years ago, Vidannya “Business” is a real project “Financial Oscar”, the author of the best engravings of the bank and insurance market in Ukraine. The annual financial rating is only one of the most valuable in Ukraine. Experts didn’t have two etapies. For the first time pretenders for peremogu viznacha еру editorial, taking to the darling demonstrators on the physical installation, the dynamism of their development and that on the market. On the other stage of the candidates are competent journalists, they should be represented by representatives of financial organizations, rating agencies, business institutions, associations, investment companies, banks, insurance companies.

“Be-yakoi crises є one is not transverse in terms of pevaga - only in the singing economic period of the hour can you practice your anti-anti-crisis strategy. The magazine “Business” has already given the pouches of the financial sector of the country. І The ninth rating, yak niyaky іnshiy, early demonstrating the cardinal figure of the second member. Banks, who have increased their rating, have shown that they have successfully developed a successful model. Mi pochachili, scho banks shokuyi new points for the room, rozroblyayuchi all new gouzevіn fіnansovinstrumenty. Without a cross, at the banking sector, wikliks are no longer deprived of that fact, because the core of the core is clearly financially important and the most important, ”says the head editor of Business magazine V’yacheslav Mironenko.

The Bank Credit Dnipro will be completely eliminated from the position of the expert expert in the framework of the Financial Oscar project.

“For us, make a fool out of your mind and make sure that you look at the market. For us, the tribute to the correct formation of strategic strategies and motivation to develop is more active than ever before. The work with the banking system for the Bank Credit Dnipro was deprived of one of the most important efforts. The very same postindo voskosalyumo linіyku produkіv і servage for yurosіb. First, it’s not stolen credits, but also after all the financial and financial support of the biennial market. We didn’t follow the rules of optimism and satisfaction with the processes that were done, they repaired them and they could join the keynotes at the heightened economic development, robotily wisely, they worked, and they were happy with them, and they would like to do it, they would like to do it. І my bachimo results. About 900 great corporate clients have passed to our bank for service to our bank, ”- Vitaly Palur, the patron of the head of the Bank.


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