
Bank Credit Dnіpro uvіishov to the number of top banks for the market for small and medium business rating for the business rating of Biznes

03 October 2019
Credit Credit Bank having confirmed its position in the small and medium business servicing segment, having seen the shortlist for the shortlisted participant in the “Best Bank for SMEs” rating of the respected business business “Tizhnika”.
If you have a designated bank, you can take an active position in the SME market, edit your view of this audience, financial, financial, expert, management of small, medium and large business, take up a good credit for 2018, I have completed half of 2019, the supply of loans in the business loan portfolio, the large number of SMEs, the availability of specialized loans for the entire segment, and the availability of new special offers for new ones. thanes. Read the news as representatives of the Ukrainian food industry and the immediate good bank services of Mali, you can earn the extra payment from the official leader with the hat of an independent vote on the portal.
“For a higher assessment of the Bank’s Credit Credit for the market for servicing small and medium business, we deserve to be the result of a plan for realizing our business, and focusing on a small and medium business banking. - At a priority direct agricultural loan, a loan portfolio of up to UAH 800 million has been growing for the peak agricultural season. Active distribution of affiliate programs, product line offers, new test products for new products such as Financial Limit, Agrotehnika Express, Agricultural Revolution allow us to be available in the forefront of the international market. We have a strong presence in the main galleries of SMEs, a reputation for an over-the-counter financial partner for the Ukrainian business. ”
Bankіr pіdkresliv scho regular active part in fіnustanovi spetsіalіzovanih galuzevih vistavkah dozvolyaє prezentuvati potentsіynim klієntam nayavnі in arsenalі fіnansovі rіshennya th otrimati zvorotny phone reception od dіyuchih klієntіv i partnerіv about yakіst bankіvskih produktіv i poslug, news konkurentіv, rinkovі nastroї, tendentsії that vpodobannya.
Presentation of the best food offerings to the Bank Credit Dnіpro for small and medium business is possible beyond the limits.


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