
Credit Dnepr Bank and Technotorg Group of Companies offer agrarians advantageous loans for the purchase of equipment from leading Ukrainian and foreign brands

18 July 2017

Credit Dnepr Bank and the largest Ukrainian Group of companies engaged in agricultural technology sales, Technotorg, launch a partnership loan program for agricultural producers. Under this program, farmers will be able to obtain profitable funding for the purchase of domestic or imported machinery at a rate of 5.6% per annum, the possibility of a seasonal deferral of up to 10 months and up to 60 months.

The clients of the Technotorg Group of Companies are more than 20,000 business entities throughout Ukraine. According to the Group, its share is about 35% in this segment of the market.

"Nearly 20 years of experience in the market allows us to fully understand the needs of our clients and provide them with a wide range of equipment in accordance with the individual capabilities of each buyer. We work with over 70 suppliers of both Ukrainian and imported machinery, - says Yuri Kalyuzhny, Executive Director of the Technotorg Group of Companies. - When developing our affiliate programs with Bank Credit Dnepr, we fully took into account the wishes of our clients and created a really profitable product that would allow farmers to upgrade their own fleet of equipment in a quality and affordable way. "

Bankers point out that the potential of Ukrainian agricultural land is greater than it is used now, and the increase of productivity depends directly on the quality of equipment.

"If the processing of Ukrainian lands will be carried out, for example, as in Europe, which does not have such a quality land, then potentially our country will not only be among the leaders in exporting agricultural products. According to the volumes of exports of some crops, Ukraine will compete with itself, - said Andriy Moyseenko, deputy chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board. - And we are convinced that this will be possible when all process participants are consolidating around this idea. It is also about the reform of the land market, and about state support programs for farms, and about direct banking lending. For example, our bank is constantly looking for opportunities to make agricultural financing as affordable as possible, and similar partner projects are one such effective solution. Since the beginning of this year, we have begun the implementation of more than a dozen lending programs for the purchase of agricultural machinery. And it is important for us that among our partners is the Technotorg Group of Companies - one of the largest and most authoritative in the country. "