
Credit Dnepr Bank is recognized as the best universal financial institution for the results of the VIII All-Ukrainian competition "Bank of the Year" of the international financial club "Bankers"

27 October 2016

Credit Dnepr Bank has won the "Best Universal Bank" nomination for the VIII All-Ukrainian contest "Bank of the Year - 2016" from the international financial club "Banker". Traditionally, the winner was determined by the results of an analysis of the activities of financial institutions, a survey of the banking community, information from the National Bank and national rating agencies.

According to the organizers of the competition, the main criteria for determining the winners were: qualitative indicators, openness and availability of information on the activities of the bank; unconditional compliance with the law; compliance with international standards; lack of complaints from clients and penalties from the regulator; observance of the principles of fair competition.

"The winners of the competition are financial institutions, which, under strict control by the NBU, continue to improve the results of their work, improve the quality of service, strengthen the trust of clients, conduct an open, transparent business," said Oleg Kapralov, head of the international financial club "Banker." - Eighth Year In the meantime, we evaluate the best market participants, but I believe that this competition is especially important in the last three years since it gives an objective assessment of the Ukrainian financial sector, demonstrating participants who survived even in the most the difficult moments of the crisis and, despite all the turmoil and transformations in the banking market, keep and improve their business reputation among clients, partners and regulators. "

Bank Credit Dnepr has won a number of years in various nominations of competitions "Bank of the Year" of the international financial club "Banker". As noted in the financial institution, "The best universal bank" is an important proof of a properly changed and updated business strategy for both private and corporate clients.

"In the beginning of this year, we reviewed some of the strategic directions of our activities, focusing on improving the retail network, introducing new services and developing remote channels of service. Having identified the segment of small and medium-sized businesses in the work with legal entities as a priority, we have developed and implemented a number of new beneficial and Comfortable products, which fully correspond to the specifics of their activities and modern market requirements. At the same time, we continued to improve the service and serve the increased needs of large "said Andriy Moiseenko, Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board," It's definitely important for us that in just a few months after the launch of new projects, our bank is recognized as one of the best financial institutions for both the general public and business. that our strategy has justified itself and we are moving in the right direction. "

For reference:
Credit Dnepr Bank was founded in 1993, currently belongs to Group I according to the NBU classification (banks whose share of assets exceeds 0.5% of assets of the banking system).
The only shareholder of Bank Dnipro Credit is the "Brancroft Enterprise Limited", which is indirectly owned by Victor Pinchuk.
The reliability and stability of the bank is confirmed by authoritative rating agencies. In particular, the rating agency IBI-Rating confirmed the rating of the bank on the national scale at the level of "uaA-" with the forecast "in development" and the reliability rating of deposits at the level of "4+" (high reliability).

Within the framework of the study "Transparency of Ukrainian banks: steps to Europe" from IBI-Rating and the international financial club "Banker", the Bank of Credit Dnepr received the nomination "European Partnership" and became the only bank with Ukrainian capital recognized as one of the most investment-attractive financial institutions in the country. As a result of work in 2015, Credit Dnepr Bank became the winner of the competition from the international financial club "Banker" in the nomination "The best bank for deposit programs for the population".

In May 2016, according to an annual survey of "50 leading Ukrainian banks" conducted by the "Financial Club" analytical group, according to the general rating, the bank maintains confident positions among the top 50 financial institutions in the country. In 2016, Credit Dnepr Bank became one of the winners in the nomination "Stable Partner" of the XIXth Annual "Financial Oscars" Contest, which holds the business weekly "Business".