Credit Dnepr Bank again became a partner of live shows of the show "Ukraine has a talent. Children "on TV channel STB. Hundreds of young gifted participants competed for live cinemas, and before the jury members - Igor Kondratyuk, Slava Frolova and Dzidz - there was a difficult task to take away the most talented children in the final of the show. The incredible talents of the TV project finalists will be seen this Saturday - live broadcast on May 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM.
"For the second year in a row, we are devoting a lot of pleasure to the show" Ukraine Has Talent "for children. They are incredible, charming, modest, courageous and very gifted. They want to share their talent. About them in a few years will tell in all the news of the country. But we want to inspire them and show them to their peers how many ways exist to manifest themselves. "Ukraine's Got Talent. Children "- a family show, which is surely worth watching adults with their children, - says the director of the creative association, which creates the show, Oksana Bolkun. - It is pleasant that in such an important business as support for young talents, the STB channel has like-minded people, among whom our longtime partner is Bank Credit Dnepr. "
Bankers emphasize that the social mission of the financial institution is to provide support for developmental, educational projects and thereby contribute to the creation of a bright and rich childhood of Ukrainian children and young people.
"This year we again joined the wonderful project of STB TV channel" Ukraine has a talent. Children". The main goal of our social strategy is to contribute to the creation of a successful future of our country. And we are firmly convinced that this will be possible if our children, the main drivers of our common future, will have a healthy and happy childhood, "said Tetyana Yaroshenko, Communications Director of Bank Credit Dnepr. "Therefore, in addition to implementing our own children's educational programs, we are happy to support such important, necessary and always timely projects of information partners."