
Credit program sіlgosptehnіki Bank Credit Dnіpro about the middle of the highest credit exposure at the equal rating of bank programs agrocredit

26 May 2020

Loan offer for agrarians for the purchase of bank loans to the Bank Credit Dnepro has reached the top 10 top programs of agro-credit to the peer-to-peer rating of Prostobank Consulting company. At ranzhuvannі bulo, you can think out the program of financial assistance with the terminology for 3 rooks at the national currency of 20 previous Ukrainian banks. Prior to respect, the bullet was taken the nominal and real interest rates, reward and interest in advance payments and additional payments.

"Our bank has given agrarians their readiness to represent a better financial shoulder, having sold credit at the period of 2020, we have passed through difficult weather minds, we have more than a quarantine, and there is no need to talk about it. - We have seen a great productive work with restructuring loans to customers, as well as through weather and unsuccessful thinking, they learned about the hourly financial difficulties. This allowed not only to take over the loan portfolio, but to protect our partners with customers, as well as not to have the highest agility, and our financial relations. ”

The banker has indicated that I will preserve the main product line in the agro-segment, which is reserved by the law, adapted to the new year-end wiklik. Yak and earlier, the client can shvidko with the minimum package of documents to draw up the popular express-products “Agrorevodka express” and “Agrotechnika express”. Now, the loans will need to be securely locked up, which allowed lowering rates by 3-4%. Tradicional loans for reversing and repaying the main interests, as well as 30 partner programs with the most active distributors and distributors, as well as earlier, are agitated with active drinking from the agrarian.

“The crisis has become a catalyst for the bank to optimize products and tools, to help customers with better customers and to have a good moment for acquiring new customers. A high level of expertise in meeting the requirements for better understanding of the key - the main warehouse is in good time, especially in a crisis, situation ”, - said Andrey Moysenko.

Report on knowledge of the whole product offerings to the Bank Credit Dnіpro for agribusiness is possible for the best.



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