
To donate is good - simply: Credit Dnepr Bank and Ukrainian Charity Exchange help the leading children's clinic of Ukraine

18 March 2019

Украинская биржа благотворительности

Bank Credit Dnepr held an annual charity auction among financial institution employees whose purpose was to raise funds for the purchase of medical equipment for the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology (IPAG) as part of a joint project with the Ukrainian Charity Exchange ( One of the leading children's clinics in the country has received a new infusomat, a special device that allows dosage of vital nutrients and nutrition to the smallest patients, as well as new sensors to pulse oximeters. The equipment was transferred to the resuscitation and intensive care unit of newborns and premature infants of the IPAG.
"The fourth successful partner project of the Bank Credit Dnepr team and the Ukrainian Charity Exchange has reaffirmed the simple truth: goodness and mercy are always in fashion," says Irina Gutsal, UBB Director. - Funds collected by financial institutions at the charity auction went to a really good business - the purchase of medical equipment for the help of prematurely born children who, due to the high professionalism of physicians and modern equipment, go to the department of intensive care of newborns and premature babies of the state institution of pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. We sincerely thank the bank employees and partners who have supported the auction by beautiful lots, for the preservation and enhancement of a good tradition, indifference, active assistance to the children for whom the best gift is life! "

Биржа благотворительности

More than 100 lots from the Bank's employees, its friends and partners - the ANTIAIDS Foundation, ICTV, STB, Inter, Novy Kanal, StarLightMedia, INTERPAYP, companies - were auctioned this year. KUHN-Ukraine, Deloitte Ukraine, Quarter 95 studios, Dynamo FC, Unisoft book factory, well-known Ukrainian designers and many other participants.
"Active social position is an integral part of our business strategy," said Tatiana Yaroshenko, Corporate Communications Director at Bank Credit Dnepr Bank. - Participation in charitable projects enables our colleagues, friends and partners to share good and caring with those who are in need of them today. This year, it is especially pleasant to note a very active response to our initiative: interesting original lots, uncompromising struggle of the bidders and a good result - about 30 thousand hryvnias of charitable contributions, which became our joint contribution in support of the leading children's hospital and its tiny patients ».
Credit Dnepr Bank and Ukrainian Charity Exchange will continue a series of charitable projects, expanding the circle of partners and participants willing to share the care and warmth of their hearts.