
The first agricultural exhibition in the Field Day format was held in Vinnytsia with the participation of Credit Dnipro Bank

22 September 2023

Bank Credit Dnipro took part in the large-scale event of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex - the exhibition "Agro Vinnytsia", which took place on September 20-21, 2023 at the address: Vinnytsia, str. Shingles, 88. 

At the exhibition, the agribusiness sales specialists of Bank Credit Dnipro met with farmers who, despite risks and losses, continue to work on the land for the sake of the country's food security. Business today is to work hard for the benefit of borrowers, the agricultural sector and the state. Therefore, the Bank's specialists established contacts with new partners, took into account trends in agricultural demand for goods, talked about the advantages of lending for replenishment of working capital, the purchase of agricultural machinery and mineral fertilizers.

About 70 Ukrainian manufacturers and dealers of modern agricultural machinery took part in the event. The participants presented new machinery and equipment, innovative solutions and technologies that will allow agricultural business to expand its capabilities and reach new powerful levels.

The agricultural exhibition was interactive and practical, it featured large-scale field demonstrations of the operation of equipment, demos of various combines and test drives.

Bank Credit Dnipro provides agricultural enterprises with credit support under the state program "5-7-9% Affordable Loans". Funding can be used for the purchase of equipment, spare parts, plant protection products.

More details about agribusiness solutions here:

Credit Dnipro Bank is a Ukrainian commercial bank, it is among the TOP-20 financial institutions of Ukraine in terms of gross assets and, according to the classification of the National Bank of Ukraine, it is in the group of banks with private capital. 

As of September 1, Bank Credit Dnipro showed a profit of UAH 259 million, the bank's assets amounted to UAH 18,467 million, regulatory capital — UAH 1,745 million. As of September 1, 2023, the Bank's loan portfolio is UAH 4,492 million, which is 16% more than the same figure as of January 1, 2023. At the same time, the loan portfolio of legal entities increased by 20% compared to January 1, 2023 and amounted to UAH 4,053 million.