Credit Dnepr Bank offers to those who subscribed to his page on Facebook, to participate in the financial quiz and win one of the pleasant surprises and useful - universal mobile charger (powerbank), backpack or corporate stationery set. The final quiz of the entertaining and educational project of the bank will be published on its page in the social network on Friday, January 27 at 14:00. The main task for participants is to decipher the wise phrase of the world-famous person.
Participants will need to answer 10 questions collected from previous financial tests published by the bank within 10 weeks. A digital code will be offered for each answer option, but the correct one will only appear in the only correct answer. So, when answering a question, a person should write 10 codes that correspond to her answers. After passing the quiz, everyone will be presented with a decoder table, with which it is necessary to decipher the phrase. The proper answer is to write in the comments to the post about the test on the page of the bank in Facebook. The one who correctly and most likely will cope with the task, and will become a winner.
"In conclusion, our entertaining and educational project we decided to entertain participants of pleasant surprises and offer to test their knowledge in finance, business and features banking services, and get useful gift for their knowledge, ingenuity and efficiency - said Tatyana Yaroshenko, Director of Corporate Communications of the Bank "Credit Dnepr". - We are convinced that the success of any society depends to a large extent on its level of education. And one of the tasks of the bank as a socially responsible player is to make their own contribution to the development of the financial culture of Ukrainians. We believe that it is important in providing information vidnahodyty balance between serious analysis and such entertainment projects, such as developing such tests. "
It should be noted that the project covered about 5 thousand people.