
In June, Ukrainians trusted Bank Dnipro Credit over 5,500 deposits

13 July 2017

In June, Ukrainians, taking into account the re-registration, placed in the Bank's Credit Dnepr more than 5,500 deposits worth 621 million USD. The total portfolio of individuals' funds, together with balances on accounts and cards, is over 4.5 billion UAH. A significant decline in rates in the last month has affected the prolongation of terms on deposits - the yield on long deposits is higher. So, today the portfolio of financial institutions for 86% consists of deposits for a term of six months or more.

The financial institutions point out that the excess liquidity, both in the market as a whole and directly in the Bank's Credit Dnepr, is one of the main factors contributing to lower rates on the market.

"Stakes at the contributions of the population have not just reached the pre-crisis level, but lowered below. Interest on foreign currency deposits has fallen to the minimum, and today they are approaching world standards. For the banking system and for the economy as a whole, this is a very positive trend, which, on the one hand, indicates an excess liquidity in the system, and on the other hand, it allows lowering rates and increasing volumes of domestic investment, "said Andriy Moysjeenko, deputy chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board. - Positive from the psychological point of view - in developed economies of the world, deposit rates close to zero markers - customers place funds in banks not so much to earn, but rather for the safety and conservation of their own funds. Gradually, this culture comes to our market. "


* За умови його наявності