
Loan portfolio of Bank Dnipro loans in the first half increased by UAH 231 million - up to UAH 818 million

04 July 2019
In January-June 2019, the retail loan portfolio of Bank Credit Dnepr increased by UAH 319 million, or by 48%, to UAH 563 million. The growth of the portfolio of card loans of the financial institution for the indicated period amounted to UAH 49 million (+ 24%), its volume exceeded UAH 255 million. As a result, the total retail loan portfolio since the beginning of the year has shown an increase of UAH 231 million, or 39%, exceeding UAH 818 million.
"Retail consumer loans remain a catalyst for the growth of loan portfolios of banks, forming today more than 80% of all retail loans in hryvnia, while mortgage and car loans share equally modest 14%," says Oleg Pakhomov, Deputy Chairman of the Board - Director of Retail Banking Credit Dnieper - Competition of banks and financial companies in this highly profitable segment is naturally increasing, but we win it successfully and continue to grow faster than the market, using effective channels of attracting customers, offering them favorable and transparent product terms and pleasant bonuses as encouragement for financial rationalism. Thus, according to the results of the "Television for a loan" campaign, which was completed recently, almost 1200 of our clients in 2019 took advantage of the promotional offer, issued loans totaling UAH 67 million and became owners of modern TVs. In the near future, be sure to please customers with a new interesting promotional offer. "
The Bank offers cash loans of up to UAH 500,000 for any purpose without a mortgage and a 12-month, 24-month, 36-day, 48-month or 60-month guarantee on the client's choice depending on his financial plans and opportunities. The longer term of the contract involves a smaller monthly payment. For the loan, existing and new clients from all regions of the country can apply to any branch of the bank or make an application via the Internet or contact center. To obtain a loan, you need a minimum set of documents: a passport and an Internet-based account, a certificate of income in the form of loans up to 75 thousand hryvnia is not needed. The client can receive a preliminary decision by phone, and the credit funds themselves - in the nearest branch or information-advisory center, located in all key regions of Ukraine. The interest rate is one of the best on the market and depends on the amount and term of the loan. Customers are offered a wide range of redemption channels and the possibility of early repayment of credit indebtedness without penalty.
For more information on retail credit offers of Bank Dnipro Credit you can see the link.
For reference:
Credit Dnepr Bank was founded in 1993, today it is a member of a group of banks with private capital in accordance with the NBU classification. The sole shareholder of Bank Dnipro Credit is the "Brancroft Enterprise Limited", which is indirectly owned by Victor Pinchuk. The reliability and stability of the bank is confirmed by authoritative rating agencies. In particular, the rating agency IBI-Rating confirmed the rating of the bank on the national scale at the level of "uaA-" with a "development" forecast and a deposit rating rating of "4+" level (high reliability). In the framework of the study "Transparency of Ukrainian banks: steps to Europe" from IBI-Rating and the international financial club "Banker", Bank Credit Dnepr was awarded the "European Partnership" nomination as the only bank with Ukrainian capital among the most investment-attractive financial institutions in the country. Credit Dnepr Bank became one of the leaders in the financial rating of the business weekly "Business" in nominations "Corporate Partner", "Agrobank", "Best Service for SME Clients", "SME Support" in 2018-2019, Prostobank Awards-2018 First Award in the nomination of the best retail loans in cash and the winner in the "Savings Bank for Business" nomination rating "2019 Banks", winner of the FinAwards 2019 Award.