
In May, Ukrainians placed more than 4,5 thousand deposits in the Bank's Credit Dnepr

15 June 2017

In May 2017, Ukrainians, taking into account the re-registration, entrusted to the Bank of Credit Dnepr more than 4,5 thousand deposits for a total amount of half a billion hryvnia. Despite the rather calm in terms of business activity month, the deposit portfolio of the bank is kept at about 4 billion USD. Deposits market rates continue to decline. Part of this is contributed by the monetary and monetary policy of the regulator, which gradually continues to reduce the discount rate, and partly - the ongoing increase in the level of liquidity in the banking system of Ukraine, and the need to develop affordable lending to the economy.

Forecasts of bankers on the dynamics of the deposit market remain the same - the reduction of interest rates on deposits will continue on average by 0,3-0,5% per month.

"The deposit market is primarily influenced by the need to develop lending, and accordingly, banks intend to continue to adhere to the policy of lowering interest rates. This is primarily due to the level of accumulated liquidity in the banking sector. In addition, an important factor for the market is the systematic reduction of the discount rate by the market regulator. Also banks will extend liquidity, respectively, the most profitable will traditionally bring term deposits for a period of six months. Thus, almost all of our bank's deposit portfolio consists of time deposits, and 85% are deposits with a term of 6 months or more ", - said Andriy Moisjeenko, deputy chairman of the Bank's Credit Dnepr Board.