
Millions on their own leisure: in 2016, the Credit Dnepr Bank paid to clients air flights and visits to restaurants for the amount of about 7 million USD

19 January 2017

In 2016 members of the loyalty program "Politayemo tasteful" Credit Dnepr Bank visited cafes and restaurants by financial institutions amounting to 4.3 million USD and exchanged their bonuses to purchase tickets for $ 2.6 million. In total, over the past year, the owners of bonus cards of the bank have accumulated 10.7 million bonus points, having made almost 1 million non-cash transactions.

In addition, late last year expanded the Bank Credit Dnepr conditions of the popular program - the bonus card holders the opportunity to exchange the accumulated points also to pay for room bookings worldwide and rental cars. Within a month of the action of new offers, clients of financial institutions have already had time to take advantage of new offers, having received a refund from the bank in the amount of 5,5 thousand UAH.

"Over the past year, we increased trading turnover by bonus cards by 76%. Amounts paid by the bank for spending on leisure clients increased from UAH 1 million in 2015 to UAH 7 million - in 2016. An increase in the volume of cashless payments in the market - one of the strategic tasks facing the banks. Today, it is estimated expert community, by means of transfer in Ukraine is carried out over a third of payments, and no doubt these figures will continue the positive trend aided by the extension of the payment infrastructure, changes in government regulation and directly Incentive Programs banks - said Andrey Moysyeyenko, Deputy Chairman Bank Credit Dnepr. - On a global scale, cashless transactions are important indicators of the transparency of the national economy. For banks, card payments, unlike cash transactions, are less risky and costly. And we will continue to invest in raising the payment culture of Ukrainians, motivating clients to move more actively to card settlements. Judging by the feedback from participants in the loyalty program, such bonuses provided by our bank have become a very serious incentive to reduce their cash transactions to a minimum. "

At present, the ratio of customers who are traveling through the bank, as well as those who prefer to exchange bonuses to pay the bills in cafes and restaurants, is 38% against 62%.

Kievan Oksana - the bank's client - has repeatedly exchanged their own points for visiting cafes and restaurants.

"I practically completely abandoned cash and try to pay all the purchases with a card. Such calculations allow me to compensate for business lunches - most often during lunch on business days I do not spend my own money at all. Also, several times exchanged bonuses for visiting restaurants with the family ", - says the program participant.

Recall that the conversion bonus program "Politayemo tasteful" is carried out as follows: 1 point = 1.5 UAH to pay for airfare, 1 point = 1 USD to pay for room bookings and car rentals, and 1 point = 0.5 USD for pay bills in cafes, bars and restaurants. You can learn more about the terms of the program, as well as evaluate with the help of a special calculator your accumulated opportunities for personal or business leisure at the bank can be found at the link.