
Now not only simple, but also cheap: Credit Dnepr Bank reduces the rate on the product "Easy Overdraft" by 4 percentage points to 22%

19 October 2017

Credit Dnepr Bank actively develops lending to small and medium-sized businesses, offering simple, convenient and efficient products. One of them is "Simple overdraft", which will help the company quickly shut down its current needs: to replenish working capital, pay taxes and fees, pay wages, and cover unforeseen expenses.

"Simple overdraft" is demanded by the business due to a number of significant advantages: it can be issued without a pledge, under the guaranty of business owners, and even if the current account of the company is located in another bank. In order to receive a loan, clients must collect a minimum package of documents that will be considered by the bank specialists promptly (within two business days). The amount of the overdraft limit can reach 1 million UAH, it is calculated for each client individually and depends on the turnover of the company. There are no hidden fees for processing or servicing a loan, interest is charged only when using credit funds. And now to the listed benefits added another, much more than a significant - the cost: the rate for the product has been reduced immediately by 4 percentage points, to 22% per annum.

"Credit Dnepr Bank considers credit support of small and medium business as one of the key strategic directions of its activity, considering this segment as the driver of economic development of the country. At the same time, work with small and medium-sized businesses allows the bank to diversify the loan portfolio and reduce the risks of its concentration, - says Vitali Paluura, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Corporate Business Director of Bank Credit Dnepr. - Recovery and activation of the lending market is a priority task for the banking system, and the cost of a credit resource is a key issue for the client. Realizing this, we significantly, immediately by 4 percentage points, lowered the rate for the product "Simple Overdraft", offering its businesses under 22% per annum. Democratic pricing policies, simple and comfortable conditions for receiving and servicing loans make our offer one of the best on the market. "

Credit Dnepr Bank invites existing and potential clients to place the product "Simple Overdraft" in new, even more attractive conditions, to evaluate its advantages and high level of banking service.