
Starting rahuvaty groshi: Bank Credit Dnipro Provision of Financial Trening for Schoolchildren at Dnipropetrovsk

13 April 2017

Bank Credit Dnipro prodovuzhu rozvivati ​​socially-developed projects for young Ukrainians. Thus, once a class, the lesson of literacy literacy in Proshov at the Day for children is 10–12 years old. Fakhіvtsі fіnstanovi conducted for children excursion to the ідділенням, got a checkout with an ATM and a payment terminal, demonstrated a robot to a robot, rozpovі about what they take the manager, and also organized the youth for young participants. Schoolchildren have effectively rozpodіlyati kishenkovі pennyh, rozbiralysya in the statistics of the vitrata and incomes from adults, schob dopomagati batkam competently rozrahovuvati sіmeyny budget.

Bank Credit Dnipro vzhe third third real project based on financial literacy for children and youth. Hundreds of schoolchildren in Ukraine took part in the educational programs of the institute. Krіm spetsіlіzovanih trenіngіv, bank_in post_yo organіzovuyut for podrodyayuogo pokolіnnya іnshі varіan osvіtnogo dozvіllya, for example, excursion to the museum of pennies at the National Bank of Ukraine, hold a seven-year study for a seven-year student.

“Meta of the social strategy of our bank is to make contributions to the successful and successful May of our children, our country and all of us. Mi vіrimo, scho taka maybutn є mozhliv, і doluchaєosya yogogo stvorennya, zokrema ry zadyki realіzatsії kompleksno ї s ovitnoy ї programs, - said Andrіy Moisєєnko, the patron of the head of the Government Credit the Bank Dnipro. - The point is not that it is the skin that is guilty of telling its Maybutz bank information. Thi znannya, yakі participants such zamіvіv otrimuyut on fіnansovnyh trenіngah, admonish rozvatiat kozozіr, troyuyut critical mislenna. Mi vvevneni, osvichene і healthier younger generation - the basis of our spіlnogo successful Maybutnogo. "

Young participants were busy with their own special primlynenya special capital and ¬ sterdzhuyut, so otrimanі znannya in life duzdobitsya, and the father of children have become more common.

Vitaly: “Meny naybіlshe vodopalosya on busy ones, they talked about their own mriії, about those who are yak ryh znoysniti. My dream is to watch your own YouTube channel, why do you need to be a policeman, yak my tato. I will blog on YouTube. I feel like it’s worth a penny. ”

Timofiy: “Bulo duzhe tsikovo. Dіznavsya Bagato about bezpeka. I know that it’s not possible to transfer money to unknown people, no one can pass a PIN-code ”.

Vitaly: “I dare know how to kill the pennies and how to get rid of the shahrash. Now I know, yak koristuvatisya bankovskoy karotyu. Before a speech, if you see a card, you’ll see it and enter a code. Yogo is worthy of the order in order to take money from the ATM ”.


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