
Traveler's Set: Credit Dnepr Bank Expands the Possibilities of the Loyalty Program "Flight with Taste"

28 November 2016

Credit Dnepr Bank continues to take care of the personal and business leisure of its customers and expands the possibilities of the popular loyalty program "Flight with taste". Now, the owners of bonus payment cards of the financial institutions will be able to exchange accumulated bonuses not only for paying bills in restaurants and buying tickets for any carrier, but also to pay for accommodation in hotels around the world and for car rentals. The main condition remains the same: more card calculations - more points on the bonus account.

Bankers note that in almost two years of the program "Flight with taste", the bank paid for leisure for customers worth about 7 million USD. The number of project participants is steadily increasing - today they are more than 10 thousand, - accordingly, the trade turnover on cards is increasing accordingly.

"Based on the feedback, many customers are trying to make as much as possible payments using a payment card and thereby replenish their own bonus account. All this confirms: the project got to the point. Also, the dynamics shows that if before the absolute majority of customers sought to exchange points for trips to cafes or restaurants, then gradually the trend is changing. Today, from those who exchanged their bonuses, every tenth has chosen to pay for the purchase of airline tickets, - says Andriy Moisjeenko, deputy chairman of the Bank Credit Dnepr Board. - We do not stop working on improving the services and services of the bank, adapting them to the specific needs of the audience and time. And this also applies to the loyalty program. We saw that our clients - the active traveler who was really interested in the travel direction - expanded the project with two other useful options: the opportunity to pay a room in a hotel or rent a car. That is, now our clients can potentially at the expense of the bank organize the entire trip, including meals, accommodation, car rental and car rent for trips within the country. "

Note that the bonus conversion is carried out as follows: 1 point = 1.5 UAH for payment of airline tickets, 1 point = 1 UAH for hotel room payment and car rental, and 1 point = 0.5 UAH for paying bills in cafes, bars and restaurants.