
Profitable online school shopping in Rozetka with a Visa card from Credit Dnipro Bank

27 August 2020
Credit Dnipro Bank offers its customers to take part in a partnership with the international payment system Visa and the largest Ukrainian online supermarket Rozetka to prepare for the new school year safely and profitably online, saving 5% of the cost of subsequent purchases.

To participate in the promotion in the period from August 25 to September 7, 2020, you only need to log in to the site and pay with a Visa card for promotional categories of goods related to the organization of the educational process, preparation of the workplace, health care, school clothes and shoes, etc., stationery and books, computers and laptops, etc. The received bonus of 5% of the purchase amount can be spent on subsequent purchases on Rozetka.

For products from the category "Computers and laptops", the amount of accrued bonus hryvnias for one product may not exceed 500 hryvnias.

You can read more about the terms of the promotion at the link.