Credit Dnipro Bank is an active participant in the Ukrainian stock market and is included in the TOP-10 banks - traders in government bonds on the PFTS based on the results of the first half of 2021, working with a wide range of counterparties, including both financial institutions and corporate clients.
The bank has an extensive network of branches and outlets throughout Ukraine, which provides convenience for our clients when conducting operations with securities, and conducts trading operations on two leading stock exchanges in Ukraine - the PFTS Stock Exchange and the Perspektiva Stock Exchange.
Bank Credit Dnepr carries out transactions for the purchase and sale of securities in the interests and on behalf of its clients on the exchange and over-the-counter markets, and also makes it possible to carry out REPO transactions, which allow clients to get quick access to hryvnia resources.
The significant experience of Treasury employees in working with Ukrainian and foreign companies, as well as the rapid rotation of a very significant OVDP portfolio in terms of volume, makes it possible to offer our clients the tightest spreads on all instruments.
The main advantages of investing in government bonds on the part of business:
- OVDP liquidity makes it possible to exit this instrument at any time by selling securities and just as easily return to it when free liquidity appears;
- the investment period can be from several days to seven years, which allows you to fix the rate for yourself for any period;
- the interest rate on government bonds is significantly higher than the rate on deposits;
- The risk of investing in government bonds is minimal, since it is the most reliable issuer in Ukraine, which also makes it possible to use government bonds as the most reliable and liquid collateral instrument.
JSC "BANK CREDIT DNEPR" carries out professional activities in the stock market in accordance with the normative documents of the NBU, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the current legislation of Ukraine, the Regulation on the depositary activities of the depository institution and has the appropriate licenses to conduct all of the above operations:
Licenses of the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market (NSSMSC):
securities trading activities:
- brokerage: license AE series No. 294745 dated February 14, 2015;
- dealer activity: license AE series No. 294746 dated February 14, 2015;
depository activities:
- depository activities of a depository institution: license AE series No. 294657 dated 01/13/2015;
- custody of assets of joint investment institutions: license series AE No. 294658 dated 13.01.2015;
- storage of assets of pension funds: license series AE No. 294659 dated January 13, 2015
For securities transactions, please contact the Treasury Department:
Yuri Grinenko - Head of Treasury Operations Department
Mob. Tel. (067) 92-055-96
Volodymyr Yatsyuk - Head of the Securities Management Department
Mob. Tel. (050) 440-26-62