Bank Credit Dnipro with the purpose of popularization of retail credit programs is carrying out the action "TV for a loan to everyone", during which - from May 3 to July 13, 2018 - all customers who have issued cash loans in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand UAH, a certificate that can be exchanged for a modern TV in the retail network of the largest national retailer of household appliances and electronics "Foxtrot". Active and new customers from any region of the country can apply for a loan through the Internet or InfoCenter or contact any branch of the bank. To apply for a loan, you will only need a passport and tax ID, you do not need a certificate of income. The loan period is 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 months - at the option of the client. A longer term of the contract implies a smaller monthly payment. A significant advantage is the possibility of obtaining a preliminary decision by telephone with subsequent receipt of funds in the nearest office or information and consultation center located in all key regions of Ukraine. Loan conditions are fair and transparent: all the parameters of the loan are prescribed in the product passport, which the client receives before signing the loan agreement. The interest rate is one of the best in the market and depends on the amount and term of the loan. Customers are offered a wide choice of redemption channels and the possibility of early payment of credit debts without any penalty.
"Summer is approaching - a hot season for financial spending: vacation and travel, construction and renovation, preparation for the new school year, major purchases," says Marina Dutlova, retail business director at Bank Credit Dnipro. - Cash credit is the most convenient tool for financial planning, helping our clients realize their plans here and now. And getting a television by every borrower who took a loan during the campaign will be a pleasant bonus to the execution of the plan. The number of prizes is unlimited, they are guaranteed to be enough for everyone! We extended the credit terms from 36 to 60 months, so that each client could choose the most comfortable conditions for servicing the loan. For those customers who need less (from 3 thousand UAH) or larger (up to 200 thousand UAH), we are also ready to make an offer that can not be abandoned. Some of the best conditions on the market, combined with convenience and ease of maintenance, provided our cash-credit with a deserved leadership in the rating "The Best Retail Bank Product" of Prostobank Consulting among the offers of 40 largest Ukrainian financial institutions. "
More information on the retail credit offers of the Bank Credit Dnipro can be found on the website in the section "Loans to Individuals".