
Bank Credit Dnipro presenting a market of financial products for agricultural producers at the Field Day day of the partner - POLETEKHNIKA company

13 June 2017

The Bank Credit Dnipro, taking a stake in the Field of the Field, is the one to carry out the POLETECHNIKA company. Ponad 100 agrovirobnik bulo presented in Zaporіzkіy areas of the region and innova- tion solutions, services, agrotechnology.

The Bank Credit Dnipro representing the perspectives of the loan portfolio of the financial institutions and credit products that are adapted to the consumer.



“Minulu roku mi actively pursued the agri-agrarian and vzhe sygodna ready nadavati klі якntam yakіsny servіs that rіznomanіtnі varіan finansuvannya, starting with the investment profile of the pozik before the drawing of the virodnichnogo vyrnichyhoy With a janil of a jar and a jar of a jar - Rozpov Andriy Moisєєnko, the patron of the head of the Right Bank Credit Dnipro. - Our partner’s affair with dealers of agrotechnical industry, all of the key regions of Ukraine, we have dozens of different programs from post-union owners of those who are working with them, they’ve got to know all the programs of post-women who have lived and those who are working, they’ve got to know the programs of post-women who are the ones who live with other materials, they’ve got to know the programs of post-women who are the ones who live and their mothers, they’ve got to know all the programs from the post-managers who are the ones who live with them, they’ve got the right programs and other programs that they have and who are the ones who have gotten the best programs for those who are interested in those who live with them, who are interested in other programs, and who are interested in them, they’ve got to know the programs from the post-managers who have the same materials and resources, they’ve got the programs that are available to them who are working with them, and they’ve been interested in all the programs that have been established by those who are working with them. All tse allow us to give us a message from one of the highest brains to the market. “The head of the head of the export galleries, investments from the rozvitok of the Ukrainian farmer's state partnership will be deprived for us by one of the most direct efforts, and I promise to pragm over time,” systematically lower the crediting rate. ”


Banker is also a place where you can do it. otrimannya viruski v_d sale vrozhayu, toshcho.



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