
Green card

Insurance policy "Green Card" from SC "INGO" is an international contract of mandatory automobile insurance of civil liability of car owners who drive their car to the territory of countries participating in the international system "GreenCard ».

Types of policies Green Card

  1. Contracts of international compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles registered in Ukraine, valid on the territory of the countries - members of the international automobile insurance system "Green Card" (except Russia and Belarus)
  2. Contracts of international compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles registered in Ukraine, valid on the territory of the countries - Azerbaijan, Moldova.

Risk coverage - coverage of losses by analogy with the OSCPV policy, only on the territory of countries that are members of the international automobile insurance system "Green Card"

Insured sum. Limit of liability – payment and liability limits of insurance compensation are carried out under the conditions determined by the legislation of the country on the territory of which the accident occurred.

Term of insurance: from 15 days to 1 year.



* За умови його наявності